Powerful Medical
1. October 2021

Get your first ECG scan right!

As a company that innovates healthcare through technology, we care deeply about the efficiency of medicine. We understand that transitioning to a new digital environment can add extra steps to a healthcare professional’s already crowded responsibilities. That’s why we’ve created a brief guide to successfully digitizing an ECG to help ease the learning curve.

Two simple rules

After successful login, there are only two simple but important rules to follow for correct digitization:

  1. Match the ECG pictogram in the app to the layout of your ECG recording,
  2. Make sure that the ECG leads are horizontally positioned.

1. The correct ECG layout

When using PMcardio for the first time, you will see several icons showing different ECG layouts – make sure you select the icon that corresponds to the layout (placement and number of leads per page) of the ECG recording you want to scan.

Note: If your 12-lead ECG is printed on multiple pages (e.g. 2 pages with 6 leads per page), make sure to select an option that matches this format and allows you to upload more than one image.

An image of PMcardio's ECG format icon matched to the real ECG tracing

Changing the format

If you come across another ECG layout, you can change the selected format at any time using the “Change Format” button in the upper right corner.

A PMcardio app screen in a phone mockup with highlighted Change format button

2. Horizontal Rotation

After saving the format and taking a picture, please ensure that the uploaded ECG leads are in a horizontal position. You can rotate the image in the app through the button in the bottom menu.

A PMcardio app screen in a phone mockup with highlighted Rotate button

The correct rotation of the uploaded image should be as shown below.

A header image for a blog article guiding PMcardio users to correctly scan their ECG with PMcardio and create their ECG report with success showing the two phone mockups with PMcardio screens

Unlocking the ECG

Once the ECG is successfully uploaded, you just need to fill in the rest of the information – the reason for the ECG examination, gender, and age.

Get your first ECG scan right!
Get your first ECG scan right!

Get PMcardio Now

Join a future where cardiac care is smarter, quicker, and within everyone’s reach. Sign up today and claim your 5 free ECG reports – no credit card needed.

Use the knowledge from millions of previous cases to train yourself in ECG interpretation, patient management, and treatment options!

Powerful Medical

Powerful Medical leads one of the most important shifts in modern medicine by augmenting human-made clinical decisions with artificial intelligence. Our primary focus is on cardiovascular diseases, the world’s leading cause of death.
Powerful Medical leads one of the most important shifts in modern medicine by augmenting human-made clinical decisions with artificial intelligence. Our primary focus is on cardiovascular diseases, the world’s leading cause of death.
About PMcardio:

PMcardio is the market leader in AI-powered diagnostics, addressing the world’s leading cause of death – cardiovascular diseases. The innovative clinical assistant empowers healthcare professionals to detect up to 40 cardiovascular diseases. In the form of a smartphone application, the certified Class IIb medical device interprets any 12-lead ECG image in under 5 seconds to provide accurate diagnoses and individualized treatment recommendations tailored to each patient.

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